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I think this is the real important of the web:Information and the diversity of it!There need to be more studies involving more people over a longer period of time. I have encountered people in my disability law practice who did great for about 7 or 8 years. Then the long term effects caught up of something called malabsorption syndrome, meaning that their bodies did not absorb enough nutrients and osteoporosis and the long term effects of nutrional deficiencies became obvious and they developed very serious health problems. These operations are not a panacea. The people whom I saw had not gone back to the original doctor who had done the surgery so these doctors may not be aware of these long term problems. My thinking is that if you have to follow a severely modified diet afterwards, you might be better off giving it more of a chance to start with and avoid the surgery.

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"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu" and "cleanliness" aren't always thought of in the same category, but they really should be. Jiu jitsu is a necessarily intimate martial art, with lots of skin contact and contact with the gi, the traditional outfit or uniform, which can actually be much worse. As such, it is absolutely crucial that the gym owner follow certain steps in order to keep such terrible things as MRSA staph on steroids, staph, and ringworm off the mats and away from the students. Here are a few of the procedures our gym has implemented over the last eight years in order to keep our teachers and students safe. Virtually everyone's initial reaction when hearing about a skin infection at your gym is going to be, "Those mats must be dirty!Gross!" While this may be true, it is absolutely imperative that the gis the students are wearing or the no gi attire like board shorts and rashguards are utterly clean at the start of class. Furthermore, if the student is taking back to back classes, they should change into a fresh, clean gi, before starting the next class. This simple precaution goes leaps and bounds beyond merely cleaning the mats and don't get me wrongyou've got to clean the mats religiouslymore on that below. Skin to skin contact, or gi to skin contact, is by far the main way that skin infection spreads. This is where the nasty stuff lives and thriveswhere it's warm and moistand skin infections are extremely likely to leap from person to person, or gi to gi, or gi to person. One thing that has been a real game changer at my gym has been installing a stackable washer and dryer. For one thing, the owners of the gym simply wash our gis immediately after class is over.

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Local media seem to carry stories about Uber drivers each week. To its credit, Uber did hire a third party firm to investigate the allegations of misconduct. That company recommended that a very small number of drivers be fired. However, the issue of drivers misbehavior still leaves customers questioning their taste in using Uber. Some software developers have even produced phone applications to boost customer safety while riding in an Uber vehicle. Another issue for Uber was the viral video of an Uber driver and CEO Travis Kalanick in an argument. In todays social media culture, it is wise to always remember that if we behave poorly, theres a good chance our actions could wind up on YouTube and other sites. Anyone can view such a video and decide whether certain behavior is acceptable. While most people can understand that driver compensation changes based on competition and profitability, Kalanick and the driver should have had a calm and rational conversation. Instead, Ubers CEO exhibited unprofessional behavior. In addition, Kalanick should have known about the Uber supplied dashboard camera in the vehicle.

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After all, how many dinosaurs have you heard reminiscing about the K T boundary extinction event?The catalyst for the mass extinction of the human race could be hurtling toward Earth right now. In fact, many scientists would guarantee it. Fortunately, we already have at least 10 rough game plans on how to deal with the threat of near earth asteroids NEAs. Sorry, movie fans, but none of them involve Bruce Willis. Makes sense, doesn't it?If the universe is going to play hardball, then we should pull out our big guns as well: nuclear weapons. The idea of sending a nuclear gift basket isn't to destroy the incoming asteroid, but rather to deflect it. Otherwise a wayward space rock could be transformed into cosmic buckshot, with all that deadly debris still headed on a crash course with our tiny little world. Perhaps surprisingly, a blast's intense radiation not unadulterated force might get the job done. Such energy would vaporize a section of the asteroid's surface, causing it to eject surface material into space like countless tiny rockets. Enter NASA's alternative "kinetic interceptor," which would deflect an incoming asteroid by smacking into it. Like shooting a rolling bowling ball with a pellet gun, the idea is to just barely nudge the asteroid off course but not hard enough to fracture it.

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