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Its tale of the idea attempting to illuminate had potential but wasn't fully realized. That affliction also hurt Beto Gomez and his short Reading Kills Canada which started promisingly but never really paid off. Are you sensing a theme here?Erick Oh's Dali esque Heart Columbia and USA might have also used another round of storyboards in developing its theme of what we fight for and why we destroy each other. At over 4 minutes, Rosa Peris Medina and Mercedes Peris' Libidinis Spain and UK overstayed its welcome using its story of a couple removing each other's skins being an intimate act, and the twin cherubs that interrupt them. Dean Heezen's Sax Canada would be a wonderful ode to the joy of music. It even brought to mind some sequences in Fantasia, a good thing. Need to lose a few pounds?Rafa Laidlaw Bale's Candy Bayou Canada may have you swearing off the sweets in no time when you learn how candy is really made. Crude and very funny. Great characterization and stop motion simplicity took Daniel Markowitz's Board to Death USA up of the class. It's a simple idea, brilliantly executed. Kathryn Durst won the top prize on her short Doggy See Doggy Do Canada, the story of a girl prepared to go any length to convince her parents to purchase her a puppy.

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But in Europe, there are strict restrictions on design. After a host of public commenters praised the rolling greens of the city's municipal golf course, the Santa Barbara City Council on Tuesday promised to preserve the course for public use, but put off a larger decision whether to privatize any or all of the course's operations to save money to a later date. The course has been below its policy reserves since 2008 and could exhaust all of its fund reserves in the next 12 to 18 months, depending on play, according to Nancy Rapp, executive director of the city's Parks and Recreation Department. On Tuesday, the council agreed to ask the city's finance committee to look at refinancing the golf fund's debt in the short term, with Councilman Frank Hotchkiss voting no. The finance committee will also look at options, including privatizing the course, with Councilwoman Cathy Murillo and Councilman Gregg Hart voting against the motion. The course gets no general fund money, and is solely operated on fees charged to users. As a result, the course most likely will need a subsidy from the city's general fund of at least $100,000 a year to keep it in positive financial territory. Because 50 percent of the course's expenditures go toward salaries and benefits, the city will explore whether to contract out maintenance, golf operations, food and beverage costs, or some variation of any of those for cost savings. The decision is looming now because several contracts, like that of the course's pro shop, will be up for renewal soon, and the council's decision would have an impact on that request for bids. "We're asking for a decision by June 2015 whether you want to make changes or not," Rapp said. "This is our best window of opportunity.

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And yet, the Sandas take the time to do these fundraisers, and they pass on all the money. "The Sandas don't seem to think their efforts are anything special. "It helps us cope," Rachel Sanda said. "It's something positive we can do. That's all. "And coping they are. "When Emily was first diagnosed, I thought I'd never smile again," David Sanda said. "But we're really OK now. We're happy. "We're taking advantage of the time we have with her. "Reporter Corinne Reilly can be reached at 209385 2477 or creilly@mercedsun star.

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