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Here are the results from a VERY simple search that is the likely starting point for most searchers. It may be a good enough search for you, but keep reading to discover ways to refine your results. Use to replace one or more characters at the end of your search term. This can be very useful if youre doing a broad search and will accept multiple forms of your search term, including plural. Example: devel retrieves develop, develops, development, developmental, developing, etc. Note that if truncated a term too much, you will get a warning about only receiving the first 600 variations, so youll need to lengthen the root word search to get meaningful results. Also, keep in mind that truncation restricts your search to keywords only. PubMed has a handy tool if youre trying to locate a specific reference: the single citation matcher. A very quick way to use it is to start entering the journal name a menu of possible titles pops up, the publication year, and the last name of the first author restricting choices to only as first author.

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Peruse his twitter for some awesome examples:Thanks for offering these resources. Lots to explore here!Ive already gone to a few of the sources youve suggested. Although Im familiar with some of them, there are new ones to explore!Enjoyed the summary. Required to complete a PBL activity with my Level 1 English Language Learners newcomers. What would this look like?Any suggestions/resources you can offer?This is Debbie, a Customer Experience Manager with Cult of Pedagogy. You may want to check out the sites PBL board and ELL board on Pinterest to get some ideas. You may also want to check out the following site from Scholastic: Project Based Learning: A Tool for Engaging ELLs. Hope this helps have fun!Hello Jennifer!Great article, lots of good insights and links about PBL I will be checking. I am part of the team of RoadAmico, The Walking Classroom, a platform that allows educators to develop innovative field based lessons and exclusive place based activities so that students can step out of the classroom and enjoy unique experiences off campus, develop and complete assignments related to particular places, and belong with their environment everywhere in the world. To understand how it works you can have a look to this video: sof15xOyIOr check our platform: sof15xOyIIm in my third year teaching with the Learner Active Technology Infused Classroom LATIC model. It is very heavily PBL based and especially helpful helpful in the unit planning phase.

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En particulier en ce qui concerne le transport des rsidents, le chauffeur doit absolument disposer dans sa voitureUn Manifeste de passagers pour les touristes rsidents tabli conformment lannexe 3 du prsent cahier des charges, transmis avant le dpart aux services concerns du Ministre de lquipement, du Transport et de la Logistique, lorsquil sagit de transporter un groupe de touristes rsidents constitu linitiative du groupe lui mme dans le cadre dune activit but non lucratif pour lorganisateur ou dune association et organisme sans but lucratifLexemple de manifeste se trouve lannexe 3 page 25 du PDF. Jen ai fait une copie ici, et surtout un extrait, des points qui posent problme :Le numro de CIN, cest, au Maroc, un lment extrmement prcieux, que tu ne laisses pas comme a nimporte o. Il permet didentifier plus srement une personne quune signature, dans un pays o encore la moiti des adultes sont analphabtes, et il suit une personne toute sa vie. Autrement dit, la nouvelle carte portera le mme numro. Je vois mal le client Uber accepter de donner son numro de CIN par une appli smartphone. Sont rputs services publics de transports de voyageurs les services offerts au public dans un but commercial pour le transport de voyageurs, lexception des services de ville et taxis qui demeurent soumis aux rglements dicts par les autorits localesAutrement dit, un vhicule de transport touristique na pas le droit de faire des trajets en ville autrement que dans le cadre dun circuit touristique, organis par une agence de voyage ou une association but non lucratif. Avec une signature. Et non, au Maroc, pays de la lgalisation systmatique des contrats dans les postes de police, une commande par appli smartphone ne peut pas tre considre comme une signature valable dun responsable de groupe. Mme si Uber arrive prendre en charge la logistique de lenvoi automatis de la commande et de son transfert et impression dans le vhicule de transport touristique, pourquoi ai je un doute, l, ce document naura pas la signature et le numro de carte de CIN requis par la loi. A la fois financirement et juridiquement, finalement, la seule chose que les vhicules Uber auraient le droit de faire, cest le transfert aroport centre ville. Lapplication de la tarification Uber, dans le monde merveilleux, nous donne un prix autour de 200 dirhams.

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